Ok, everyone asked me how do i hosted games with advanced settings to be host and making Nuke drop from Airpackage (Nuke ofc with increased time like 10mins to blast hehe). So here i am making tutorial. Read i repeat must read & Follow the steps .
Since there are many Dvars in MW2 (some are read only or cheat protected). I am gonna use Dvars which are R/W aka it's domain (value) can be any variable or bigger or smaller.
Now how to force IW to take you as host. Let me clear this thing i am in india and i have like 270ms ping if i connect to USA and 180 ping if i connect to europe/russia but 200-250 ms ping if i connect to Malaysia & 300+ with uber lagg if host is chinese (China, seriously? on dial up? =.=). So let's get on with it. I am gonna use B as Before and A as after.
Before clicking FIND:-
B commands:
sv_pure "0"
badhost_endGameIfISuck "0"
badhost_maxHappyPingTime "999" (can't go higher than that)
party_hostmigration "0"
party_IAmSelected "1"
iwnet_searching "0"
sv_maxping xxx (connect people under tor equal to this ping. change xx value to you want but must be under 999)
sv_minping 0 (must)
sv_maxclients xx (change xx to slots you want)
party_maxclients xx (change xx as you want depending on how much your net can tolerate or whole game will be screwed up & can't go higher than 18)
Click FIND >> Team DeathMatch (w/e game you want to play just click on that playlist)
party_minplayers "1"
map mp_brecourt (wasteland or can load any map you want)
iwnet_searching "1" (Must so that IWnet can add players to your lobby game. You will hear sounds when people start connected as you hear it in Lobby. If you are not than try to load another map but iwnet_searching 1 is must be activated)
party_teambased "1"
scr_gametype_timelimit "0.4" (war/as TDM, dm as FFA, sab as Sabotage, sd as Search & Destroy etc. E.g scr_war_timelimit 0.4 will end TDM after 4ms)
Before Map finish must type or party might be disbanded
party_minLobbyTime "1" (Intermission time 1 sec instead of 60 !!)
party_gameStartTimerLength "0.1" (faster match start)
Other fun stuff command or How to get Nuke as airdrop care package from mega or normal:
These commands must be typed before map loads or before existing game ends.
scr_airdrop_nuke 99 //domain can be any integer. higher the value all boxes will drop Nuke LOL
scr_nukeTimer 60 (Domain can be any integer. Higher than value More time to blast Nuke. Time will be calculated in seconds not milliseconds. so 60 seconds will be 1 whole minute or 6000 seconds will be 10 minutes LOL).
Don't want Nuke to be drop/launch or stop existing countdown of nuke?
scr_nukeCancelMode 1
Now host will encounter hackers/cheaters or glitch abusers. Hackers are smart they change name to some symbols or give spaces and KICK command won't identify it. To get rid of cheaters use this command.
first type:
1.) status
map: mp_brecourt
num score ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate
--- ----- ---- -------------------------------- --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- -----
0 0 277 011000010355a014 Awen 50 23169 25000
1 0 19 0110000103901f7c |[NoBS] 0 loopback -15060 99999
2 100 104 01100001038fd881 ataur 0 -27377 25000
3 100 203 01100001035f44a2 [IND] ADITYA 50 -21464 25000
You will get something like this in console now i want to kick Awen for hacking suppose so i will use what? Did you say kick? no use this.
2.) ClientKick 0 (ID number of client)
I got:
Removing xuid 11000010355a014 from the session because nobody is registered at that slot (slot 0)
so let them take any name they want, they can't change ID :)
More will come soon. Post your queries if you have any =)