Sunday, May 30, 2010

NEW MW2 MP Method... Came out with emulating IWnet for MW2 MP. You don't need steam to play it and you can actually play MP vs any player around the globe. Invite and Join Function are not implemented yet but hope in future it will. SO now you are wondering how to play?

  • Just make sure you have clean install MW2. If you have already installed. Uninstall it and reinstall as fresh copy.
Now download this:-

Client version for a fresh Modern Warfare 2 installation:

MW2Client-FreshInstall.7z @ RapidShare
MW2Client-FreshInstall.7z @ MegaUpload
Torrent: Soon...

Client version update from the latest Modern Warfare 2 version:
MW2Client-Update.7z @ RapidShare
MW2Client-Update.7z @ Hotfile

After you done downloading...Install 1st one then install 2nd one. Now you also need DLC package to play new modes and old maps from cod4.

DLC maps

If you're unsure which version you have, download the first file. If you don't have game and want to download whole game with applied patches get the torrent here.

After applying all the above mentioned files. Just launch iw4mp.exe

P.S It's hacker paradise and Guys who made this method are good but many fuckin retarded people are fuckin it with hacks. So if you go in-game 70% you will find hackers. Anti-cheat is still ineffective.

Good luck

Friday, March 5, 2010

Infinity Tards really run out of ideas and creativity..

Activison CEO Bobby faggot is deleting all videos related to DLC. Here is the sneak preview of what maps were are getting. Yes Crash and Overgrown are back and Downpour revamped completely. It's still test mode but look at this images.

Faultyvision & Infinity Tards presents DLC brought to you by Bobby fatso (Die with heart attack soon, will ya?)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

[Not Working] Crack 1.0.182 (Pvt Match) only

With this release you can play Private match with friends, custom cfg can't be executed. Join/Invite works. I am also adding an extra exe and original exe which i used during testing all in 1 pack. Enjoy and give me inputs how it goes with you. Original exe can be launched and game will run but stuck at Connecting to Iwnet... Other exe can take u ingame and hopefully you won't see connecting to Iwnet..

Oh forgot to mention use Zombie bowl-o-rama demo as gamebase to test other exe. Note use zombie only if you like to test. If you don't want any hassels and just want to play with friends use Pvtmatch only exe & Zero gear as base. Includes Patch & crack.

Mirror 1 (Link removed)

Note: Pvt match crack didn't make by me. Credits to that guy who worked on it. Also you need ReCeg (x64 or x86) depending on your OS. To run original and online cracked exe to execute. Otherwise it will crash after splash screen.

182 testing...Almost got results..but still..

Lots of work to do, my results

st: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
Steam auth server ID is 0x14004e9f718d409
******************Set External IP******************
Our external IP is 59.x.x.x:50689
Our internal IP is
Successfully mapped external port 28960 to internal port 28960
Setting our NAT to Open
Using profile source cloud (l:1 c:1)
No stats found, zeroing out stats buffer
Steam Login Success

I clicked Play >> got this:-

We're going to be updating trueskill #1
Got our host key for our new party - xnkid (
Registering xuid 110000103a18dfd at slot 11 in a public slot - they have nat type 1. That will give us 0 private slots used and 1 public slots used
Changing clientNum 11's address from type 0, ip, port 0, to type 2, ip, port 0

That means i am registered on IWnet O.o now i clicked FIND GAMES >> Ground war >> forced myself to be host. Got this:-

But no one joined i waited 5 mins xD, but what i noticed message is (maybe invite/join work?) Will test with my bro and friends tommorow as it's 3 AM here xD i am ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

Steam Login Success

if parovoz can by pass or force flag 1 for success for IWnet verifying then we have bright chance ^^
More testing results soon :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Enabling STEAM to add Friends...

How to enable ADD FRIENDS Feature? You downloaded free games from steam, Preloaded and even got STEAM Offered games but Friends Feature & Chat won't work for you?
Do you have interest in Rugby? Than this method is for you.

1.) Register here Click to register (it's in polish language). Use google translator if you get issue to understand. You will come up with something like this:-

2. Goto your email account which you used during registration and check Inbox or Spam folder there will be an email to activate your account. Click the link to activate it.

3. Now you need an Poland proxy IP. If you are using Firefox you might need to get FoxyProxy

4. After installation of FoxyProxy Click Tools in Firefox than Click FoxyProxy Standard than click Options.

5. Now click Add new Proxy Select Manual Proxy Configuration under Proxy Details tab. and type in Host or IP address and 3128 in Port. Now click General tab and type any name you want e.g Polish proxy. Click OK than again Click OK at Prompt.

6. Now Click Tools FoxyProxy Standard again and click Use Polish Proxy for all URLs. Now Click here to Login to site with same username and password you created earlier.

7. Type username in Wpisz swoją nazwę użytkownika and password in Wpisz swoje hasło then click Zaloguj Mnie.

8. Now after logged in click here to get CDKEY

9. After click CDKEY link you will see a message like this
Do Twojego konta (YOURUSERNAME) jest już przypisany numer seryjny. Zostanie on ponownie wysłany.

Numer do gry Speedball 2 został wysłany na adres
10. Check your inbox or spam folder there will be a key looks like this.

Twoj numer seryjny do gry Speedball 2: XZBXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

11. Activate this key in Steam and Start adding friends :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

175 update #4

dan2k5/Parovoz finally did what i wanted (big thanks). This time he released new update to customize .CFG FILES !!. What does that mean? No more typing same shit commands like decreasing lobby time i have to type the command before round about to finish. Just put the cfg and fuckin execute it haha or bind p exec yourscript.cfg woot !!




Update Notes:-
– removed exec protection, now you can load custom configs (players/*.cfg)
- you can modify default settings via players/default_xboxlive.cfg
- You can JOIN/INVITE players now !!!!! set up private match is possible

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Workout for Invite/join...

Yes yes you will say they are grayed, disabled etc but here is workout posted by K3nn3th. I am making it in detail.

1.) Start MW2 From Zero gear or any game based you use (I prefer you and your friends use same base)

2.) Don't click play. Make yourself offline in friendlist.

3.) Now while offline and your NAT: OPEN (must) click PLAY. Now make yourself ONLINE in FL

4.) Ask your friends do same steps from 1-3.

5.) Now you will see JOIN GAME option highlighted. Click it and whoever you are trying to join must have NAT:Open and you too.

Good Luck, Post results. I haven't got many people to test and my brother and me can't join as we are sharing 28960 port :/

Saturday, January 23, 2010

1.0.180 patch files (NOT CRACKED, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)

180 patch out lmao, IW really struggling hard i can see. So these files are 180 patch files (NOT CRACK) so no gurrantee if ONLINE we can play or not. As parovoz announced 180 soon so i suggest get patch files but don't apply it on MW2 yet until he releases crack.

Mirror 1

Mirror 2

Thanks to Mbb for patch files link.

175 Update #4 Official File from parovoz

V3 was buggy as we all know and i have my sympathy who were using that, scratching their hair while looking for games. Can't be a host and many more shite things. Parovoz officially made new patch v3 v2 wasn't released by him. Some other wanker was working on it. SO here are the files.

Mirror 1

Mirror 2

Patch Notes (FIXED):-

– removed Steam lobby checks, which caused errors
- Rejecting incoming party member. Steam_IsInValidLobby() is false in AnonymousAddRequest
- Rejecting incoming party member(). Our current steam lobby ID (%llx) doesn't match the steam lobby ID of the party we're hosting (%llx) in AnonymousAddRequest.

I tested it and it's working officially !! Parovoz announced "next will be v1.0.180"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

175 Update #3

175 Steam DC fix:
Credits: wanskter, parovoz

Enjoy ;)

You can launch from ZG or any game base u used to play MW2 or non steam :D

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

175 Running a Dedicated type server aka Forcing To be Host

Ok, everyone asked me how do i hosted games with advanced settings to be host and making Nuke drop from Airpackage (Nuke ofc with increased time like 10mins to blast hehe). So here i am making tutorial. Read i repeat must read & Follow the steps .

Since there are many Dvars in MW2 (some are read only or cheat protected). I am gonna use Dvars which are R/W aka it's domain (value) can be any variable or bigger or smaller.

Now how to force IW to take you as host. Let me clear this thing i am in india and i have like 270ms ping if i connect to USA and 180 ping if i connect to europe/russia but 200-250 ms ping if i connect to Malaysia & 300+ with uber lagg if host is chinese (China, seriously? on dial up? =.=). So let's get on with it. I am gonna use B as Before and A as after.

Before clicking FIND:-
B commands:

sv_pure "0"
badhost_endGameIfISuck "0"
badhost_maxHappyPingTime "999" (can't go higher than that)
party_hostmigration "0"
party_IAmSelected "1"
iwnet_searching "0"
sv_maxping xxx (connect people under tor equal to this ping. change xx value to you want but must be under 999)
sv_minping 0 (must)
sv_maxclients xx (change xx to slots you want)
party_maxclients xx (change xx as you want depending on how much your net can tolerate or whole game will be screwed up & can't go higher than 18)

Click FIND >> Team DeathMatch (w/e game you want to play just click on that playlist)

party_minplayers "1"
map mp_brecourt (wasteland or can load any map you want)
iwnet_searching "1" (Must so that IWnet can add players to your lobby game. You will hear sounds when people start connected as you hear it in Lobby. If you are not than try to load another map but iwnet_searching 1 is must be activated)
party_teambased "1"
scr_gametype_timelimit "0.4" (war/as TDM, dm as FFA, sab as Sabotage, sd as Search & Destroy etc. E.g scr_war_timelimit 0.4 will end TDM after 4ms)

Before Map finish must type or party might be disbanded
party_minLobbyTime "1" (Intermission time 1 sec instead of 60 !!)
party_gameStartTimerLength "0.1" (faster match start)

Other fun stuff command or How to get Nuke as airdrop care package from mega or normal:
These commands must be typed before map loads or before existing game ends.

scr_airdrop_nuke 99 //domain can be any integer. higher the value all boxes will drop Nuke LOL
scr_nukeTimer 60 (Domain can be any integer. Higher than value More time to blast Nuke. Time will be calculated in seconds not milliseconds. so 60 seconds will be 1 whole minute or 6000 seconds will be 10 minutes LOL).

Don't want Nuke to be drop/launch or stop existing countdown of nuke?

scr_nukeCancelMode 1

Now host will encounter hackers/cheaters or glitch abusers. Hackers are smart they change name to some symbols or give spaces and KICK command won't identify it. To get rid of cheaters use this command.

first type:

1.) status

map: mp_brecourt
num score ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate
--- ----- ---- -------------------------------- --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- -----
0 0 277 011000010355a014 Awen 50 23169 25000
1 0 19 0110000103901f7c |[NoBS] 0 loopback -15060 99999
2 100 104 01100001038fd881 ataur 0 -27377 25000
3 100 203 01100001035f44a2 [IND] ADITYA 50 -21464 25000
You will get something like this in console now i want to kick Awen for hacking suppose so i will use what? Did you say kick? no use this.

2.) ClientKick 0 (ID number of client)

I got:

Removing xuid 11000010355a014 from the session because nobody is registered at that slot (slot 0)
so let them take any name they want, they can't change ID :)

More will come soon. Post your queries if you have any =)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Zero gear expired !!

Zero gear method expired with it. So now people are using Zero gear demo xD

Saturday, January 16, 2010

1.0.175 Update #2

Finally i got working MP on 175. Yet it still kicks me on Legit hosts/lobby. I am still figuring why is that?, Anyways I am posting link to that file i am using. I played for like 3 hours and continuing playing.

Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

I am using good old ZG and Osmos demo both working. There has been no problem & I yet haven't tested TMNF Method so i am not sure about it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

1.0.175 !

175 files are out but some people are claiming it has been cracked by parovoz. Well, It's not officially cracked by Parovoz yet so 175 still has problem. Osmos Demo, TMN or ZG method won't work until we get working Stable EXE (Steam or NON-Steam doesn't matter). More info here:-

Click me

1.0.174 Patched up !!!!!

Hiya all,

Infinity tards are fast this time. They patched up 1.0.174 version aka not working anymore. We are not stuck here there is still a way to play 1.0.174 game. Just download this file and copy to your zero gear/server folder and run it. No need to launch from STEAM. Just Launch iw4mp.exe directly but steam must be running in order to play.

Just wait for 1.0.175 stable crack as it's on the way :D. Download link for 174 removed as File is patched

1.0.175 Files

Version 1.0.174

Hello everyone,

As you all know IWnet aka STeam has stopped matchmaking from Version 1.0.172. The time has come to use new 1.0.174 file. I also tested out zens0red 1.0.175 Dev console version but it's not working properly whenever i launched it from steam always "Failed to connect steam lobby" & if i launch it without steam i got kicked after 2 mins same crappy message "Steam connect failed".

Like Rz king said to stick to ZG for now until it expire. I also tested out some demos and free games. On Rz King blog Hajit posted a game.. It worked fine and i didn't get any error so far. I got connected to games as usual interval matchmaking takes & i was in game playing with ZG clients flawlessly. So after ZG we have 2 options TrackMania Nations (700 MB) or Osmos Demo (20mb)

Steps to run OSMOS Demo As Client for MW2:-

1. ) Download Osmos Demo & install it, after successful installation exit STEAM Completely.

2.) Make sure you updated patch to 1.0.174 for MW2. Visit here to see patch files Rz King

3.) When download is done, go to Osmos Demo folder in your steam folder (\Steam\steamapps\common\osmos demo), create a new folder name BACKUP and move all osmos game related files into this folder.

4.) Now go to your MW2 directory and copy files from there to \Steam\steamapps\common\osmos demo

5.) Rename iw4mp.exe to osmosdemo.exe

6.) Run STEAM and Launch OSMOS DEMO, this should launch MW2, if it doesn't make sure you followed steps properly from 1 to 5. Now join any match and play.

Note: You won't be able to join or invite friends with this game but you can play public matches without getting kicked just like you played in ZGD. Brighter side of this method is there will be hopefully less hacks as hooks look for IW4MP.exe ^_^