Wednesday, January 27, 2010

175 update #4

dan2k5/Parovoz finally did what i wanted (big thanks). This time he released new update to customize .CFG FILES !!. What does that mean? No more typing same shit commands like decreasing lobby time i have to type the command before round about to finish. Just put the cfg and fuckin execute it haha or bind p exec yourscript.cfg woot !!




Update Notes:-
– removed exec protection, now you can load custom configs (players/*.cfg)
- you can modify default settings via players/default_xboxlive.cfg
- You can JOIN/INVITE players now !!!!! set up private match is possible


  1. Thanks and maybe u mind to post some commands? that most usefull, or lets say "enchanted game configs"? I mean modded dm tdm etc config? Finding commands isnt "easy". everywhere where i was looking i could see only full console command list which is basicly crap since noone bother, and noone can check all of them. Keep up good work ;)

  2. What exactly are you looking for? Give me some ideas and i might help ya out :)

  3. Fresh idea: :P
    I can try make website on which ppls can make their custom configs.
    Entering page and there u have few textfields to fill like
    Frag limit: xxx
    Time limit: xxx
    Exp Boost: xxx
    Ping limit: xxx
    Clicking on generate, and there u have own cfg file.
    Point is i really dont know all commands to set all of that values, and maybe you`d add something else for that. You should know what you`re using by yourself, and about what ppls asking. In 1st comment i mean something like making 10 cfg files for each kind of gametype, just to fill them with values more or less advanced, Just to execute them. If u like that idea drop reply here and we might discuss that on msn or something.

  4. @Mislav, Just instal steam, make acc, and add cod as a shortcut without that zero gear/trackmania thing. I guess you cant play without steam since you need to be logged in for mp game.

  5. well here you go:-

    There are 2 modes where you can play frag based matches: FFA & TDM. Use this:-

    FFA: seta scr_dm_scorelimit xx
    (any ammount from 0 to 9999) Remember 0 will make unlimited score based long match. Match will only end by hitting time limit.

    TDM: seta scr_war_scorelimit xxx

    Same settings as for FFA.

    ExpBoost: seta scr_xpscale xx

    Type any integer value but mind you going above 10k will result in xp loss or maybe even level loss.

    Ping Limit: seta sv_minping 0
    seta sv_maxping xx

    Min ping should be 0 and maxping as much u want like 300 or above. Mind you when map changes and match begin from lobby everyone ping goes higher than 1000. So limiting ping will kick them when map starts/loads. Later they can rejoin by searching again but most likely if IW match them again to your server.

    Timelimit for matches: seta scr_dm_timelimit 0 to any value.

    0 means unlimited time means longer match till game reaches frag limit. If you make server frag and time 0. Players will play same map whole day or till next week :P Below i am typing commands in proper way copy paste them to your players/default_xboxlive.cfg

    or make seperate myserver.cfg and put this line in default_xboxlive.cfg

    exec myserver.cfg

    //Commands to set my server matches variable

    seta scr_xpscale 500 //default is 1
    seta scr_dm_scorelimit 12000
    seta scr_war_scorelimit 12000
    seta sv_minping 0
    seta sv_maxping 350
    seta party_minLobbyTime "0.1" //Intermission
    seta ui_maxclients 10 //10 slots
    seta scr_nukeTimer 60000 //increases nuke time
    seta scr_nukeCancelMode 1 //disable nuke
    seta sv_allowdownload 0
    seta bandwidthtest_enable 0
    seta party_gameStartTimerLength "0.5" //decreases lobby match start time
    seta party_maxplayers 10

    Now sometimes you encounter map in lobby which you don't want to play or by majority. Most people vote but as host you can change lobby map too by using command. Suppose you got karachi map and u don't like it. You can do is:

    ui_mapname mp_afghan

    Good luck lol

  6. Really appreciate that, thanks for time, i`ll try make that cfg maker tonight, and let you know so maybe you will come up with any ideas. have a nice day ;)

  7. @webkoala i already have steam but when i start it iit starts a 172 version and i cant play on that version

  8. delete iw4mp.exe download and extract file above in link and copy it in Zero gear\server folder or where you have MW2 copy =)

  9. i figured it out but thanks anyway :)

  10. YO TECH help me yaar.........

    my mw 2 isnt working... i try to run ZG demo
    only console runs and shows errors..........

    PLZ HELP ME ASAP...!!!!
